FOTON TOANO Ambulances Assist Phillippines in Fighting COVID-19

April 10,2020

On 3rd April, 3 negative pressure ambulances of FOTON TOANO, purchased by PHILIPPINES RED CROSS were shipped from Qingdao Port to Philippines. As a follow-up plan, 2 more negative pressure ambulances were ordered and in production. In the past ten years, FOTON has continued focused on local public welfare and donated more than 10 ambulances to Phillippines Red Cross.

The Provincial Government of Pampanga in Phillippines acquired 2 brand new units of FOTON AUMARK C Mobile Kitchen for its platform to provide hot and freshly cooked meals in various evacuation centers durin disaster response operations.

To address the urgent first responder vehicle request of the Provincial Capitol of Pampanga in Phillippines, FOTON released 3 brand new units of fully-equipped Transvan HR Ambulances through the Foton Metro Clark dealership.

Source : Foton


Tags: Foton Philippines

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