600 Units Foton ROWOR to Work on Construction for Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics

November 22,2018

Zhangjiakou, as the co-host city of 2022 Winter Olympic Games, now has five competition venues under construction. To support those huge construction projects, over 600 units ROWOR E3 trucks made by Foton will soon arrive at various construction sites in the city.

600 Units Foton ROWOR to Work on Construction for Zhangjiakou Winter Olympics

In recent years, Foton has been making relentless efforts in upgrading its vehicles’ interior design, improving the layout of its vehicles’ chassis and enhancing the quality of the spare parts. In 2017, Foton ROWOR successfully made its way on National VI B Certificate List, fully demonstrating its achievements in manufacturing greener and more efficient trucks for customers across the globe. (www.chinatrucks.com)

Source : www.chinaspv.com


Tags: Foton ROWOR winter Olympics

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