46 units of Shacman F3000 Dump Trucks Delivered in Shanxi

June 30,2015

www.chinaspv.com: Shacman trucks take up a leading position in the market in Shanxi province where rich resources of coal and massive market potentials of heavy trucks lie, highly recognized by the local customers, in particular, the market shares of Shacman mine dump trucks and gas tractors ranks top, showing a strong market trend. As a long time, Taiyuan office of Shacman highly coordinates with the local dealers and sales channels, deeply surveying the clients' actual demand, making Shacman heavy trucks as the star products in this area.

Accounting on the local market requirements, the office held the experience promotional event, namely, the delivery ceremony of 46 units of Shacman F3000 dump trucks with the local dealer in Hunyuan recently, arousing a hot sales tide. It involves the orders of 46 units for two days, and there have been more than 50 potential customers.

Source : www.chinaspv.com


Tags: Shacman Dump Trucks

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