15 units of Beiben Dump Trucks Successfully Delivered to Clients

June 26,2015

www.chinaspv.com: 8 June 2015, the delivery ceremony of Beiben dump trucks was hosted by Chongqing Branch Company of Beiben and its local dealers in Huize, where 15 units of NG80 dump trucks have been successfully delivered, highly spoken by customers.

On the delivery ceremony, the executives, R&D staff and sales representatives profoundly communicated with the customers on the construction sites, enabling the various advantages of Beiben heavy trucks, appraised by clients. This successfully delivery strengthens the close relationship among Chongqing branch company, dealer and customers, which lays a sound foundation for the marketing opening of heavy trucks and the increasing of the market shares in Yun’nan.

Source : www.chinaspv.com


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