M/M Growth of Shacman Dump Trucks Grows 15% in Jan.2015

February 13,2015

www.chinaspv.com: With the robust growth, Shacman gains the month-to-month growth of 15% in Jan.2015 for dump trucks, obvious increasing of 8X4 dump trucks and new special vehicles for muck transportation and hot sales in Zhejiang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Hunan and Henan.

In these years, Shacman remains the leading position in the industry in recent years. In 2015, its dump trucks (China Ⅳ) inherit good sturdiness and durability, superior in quality and multi-functional through the reducing of centre of gravity as well as the increasing of trafficability. Meanwhile, this builder walks a big step in light weight, and its products gains clients’ trust and favor, which serve construction sites, city roads, unsurfaced roads of mining areas, soft pavement and macadam pavement.

Source : www.chinaspv.com


Tags: Shacman Dump Trucks

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