Shacman Special Vehicles for Muck Transportation Get Popular in Shanghai

October 17,2014 On 11 Otc.2014, some big customers from Shanghai visited Shacman in Shaanxi and related staff specifically explained their new special vehicles for muck transports, 360 degree all-around the vehicles, mainly focusing on environment protection, safety and smartness.

Shacman always attaches importance to the extension in Shanghai market, in particular, increasing the brand promotion in Shanghai since this year, e.g., interaction road shows of caravan and stunt truck performance & experiencing, elaborately organizing each plot for customers’ and dealers’ experience. As well, all that is deserved for increasing influence and popularity of New M3000 tractors in North China region through technology communication forum and product promotional event, associated with the partners of this builder.

The urbanization speeds up in Shanghai in recent years, and the local government has higher requirements on the special vehicles for muck transportation in this city. Therefore, Shacman creates new model, taking into consideration of operation and market demand in Shanghai, defining the new standard of special vehicles for muck transport in cities.

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