Worry-Free Life: Senyuan Hongma Multifunctional Washroom Vehicles

August 01,2024

In order to further improve the level of combat support for "all types of disasters and large-scale emergencies", comprehensively and solidly carry out combat support for major disasters and accidents, and strengthen the practical support capabilities of emergency rescue teams in dealing with major disasters and accidents, the Senyuan Hongma multifunctional toilet truck was recently sent to Inner Mongolia to provide solid support for emergency rescue support.
Senyuan Hongma multifunctional washroom vehicle is composed of centralized control system, power supply system, ventilation system, flushing equipment, disinfection and sanitary facilities, etc. It can flexibly arrange 6-12 single toilets, which can ensure the implementation of comprehensive logistics support tasks in field working environment. The life support vehicle with rich functions and superior performance can provide various humanized services for commanders and fighters on the front line to ensure sustainable combat effectiveness.

Source : www.chinaspv.com

Editor : Sissi


Tags: Senyuan Hongma multifunctional washroom

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